Douglas Johns, LCSW
Portland, Oregon
Feel free to call me at 503-252-3739 or email me below through the secure/encrypted Hushmail email form with any questions and I will get back to you within three days. (Please check your spam folder for my email reply too.) And please tell me how late I may phone you in the evening. Replies to email will receive instructions for entering a password of your choice to use this free encrypted service. If I fail to return your phone call there was probably some difficulty retrieving your voicemail message so please call again. My mailing address is:
Douglas Johns, LCSW
P.O. Box 16722
Portland, Oregon 97292
Copyright © 2008-2025 Compassionate Enterprises, LLC & Douglas Johns ❀ Office Address: 811 NW 20th Ave., Suite 104, Portland, Oregon 97209 ❀ Mailing Address: PO Box 16722, Portland, Oregon 97292 ❀ Tel: 503-252-3739 ❀ The heart-shaped logo & "YOUR HEART IS YOUR STRENGTH" slogan are Trade Marks (TM) of Compassionate Enterprises, LLC. Portland Collaborative Couple Therapy & Portland Collaborative Couples Therapy are Trade Marks (TM) of Douglas Johns and Compassionate Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Accessing this web site in no way constitutes an implied or explicit contract for services between Compassionate Enterprises, LLC or Douglas Johns and any person. All contents are for informal information purposes only. Please speak directly with a qualified professional regarding any specific health concerns you have.